
Yes! I'm still alive.

Just not writing very much. There is some news on the writing front, however. I recieved two more rejections for The Perfect Princess. That's cool. Once I get my head on straight again, I'll send out some more queries. I've also been thinking about having someone review and edit it for me.

I've had a poem published on Poetry.com.
Title: My heart, you've grown so cold
It's kinda depressing. However, it was chosen to be included in their 2008 book of poetry. No money. Just recognition.

I'm currently pursuing a different creative path. Music. I sing. I haven't decided if I'm going to re-do this blog; or include my musical pursuits in this blog; or should I just do another page specifically devoted to music stuff??????

Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Kat Weaver said...

Hi, sweetie! I love your writing. You have a way with words. I am a fan. Whatever happened to the Princess Minnie story?... Also, change is good. In fact, it's great! Change is growth. Change is never easy, often painful but change usually is a movement in a forward direction. Go forward, my dear love!