
Spelling Errors and Writer's Block

To all my fellow novice freelance writers out there.....Uggghhh!

What a week. I've been posting bids for jobs all week long with no response. Has anyone ever landed a job on Craig's List??

Also, my middle grade novel has hit a snag. Nice beginning, good ending, but the middle leaves much to be desired. It's just sort of laying there. I'm seriously considering changing the whole plot. It just needs to be different and exciting. I won't have to do anymore research, but this is seriously crunching my goal of being finished by Thanksgiving.

And finally...
You may remember that my last post included the query letter I'd sent to an agent. Well, after it was posted, my best friend in the whole wide world (HI, E!) was kind enough to point out that I had a spelling error in the very first sentence....yep, I misspelled the title of my own book.

UUuuuuggggh! Is that agent even going to read it? Probably not. Now what?? Do I send her another query? Do I wait 6 weeks to make sure she isn't going to respond? Or do I try another agent without waiting for her response? Anyone know the protocol here??

I'd get drunk, but I'm completely incapable of writing with a buzz!

Oh well. I think Viggo M.'s motto applies here:
Adapt And Overcome!